sam songailo


This work is an extension of my painting practice. The edge of the canvas is expanded to create an all-encompassing environment. The painting becomes a pattern which is applied to the walls floor and ceiling. The lighting brings out the fluorescent nature of the ink creating an otherworldly environment to pass through. Aesthetically the project draws on things I am interested in. The backgrounds in science fiction, otherworldly spaces in artificial music video clips and technology such as micro chips and circuit boards. As people pass through this artificial environment they become the protagonist in the science fiction movie or the synth pop star in the film clip. This project aims to temporarily break the cycle of walking around ignoring most of what we see. Like going to a foreign place everything is amazing, sparkly and new for a while, until we become used to it. This project was a part of the exhibition and issue of  Artlink entitled ‘Art Pattern and Complexity’ at the RiAus FutureSpace Gallery, Adelaide. curated by Margot Osborne.

First three images Emily Taylor 2012

Remaining images Grant Nowell 2012

Opening installation at RiAus, Adelaide, South Australia. 2012

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